(1) Lucas, George & Hales, Jonathan. Star Wars Episode Two “Jar Jar’s Great Adventure”.

(2) Duncan, Jody. Star Wars Mythmaking: Behind the Scenes of Attack of the Clones. (Del Rey, 2002).

(3) Hearn, Marcus. The Cinema of George Lucas. (Abrams Books, 2005).

Note: Galaxy Tours invites collaboration with individuals with access to Episode II primary source location shoot documentation (call sheets, progress reports, etc.) in order to solidify the accuracy of scene titles, scene numbers, and filming dates. Some of the specific details outlined in this section represent precise estimates that require verification.

(1) Lucas, George. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Illustrated Screenplay. (Del Rey, 1999). 

(2) Bouzereau, Laurent & Duncan, Jody. Star Wars: The Making of Episode I, The Phantom Menace. (Del Rey, 1999).

(3) Hearn, Marcus. The Cinema of George Lucas. (Abrams Books, 2005).

Note: Galaxy Tours invites collaboration with individuals with access to Episode I primary source location shoot documentation (call sheets, progress reports, etc.) in order to solidify the accuracy of scene titles, scene numbers, and filming dates. Some of the specific details outlined in this section represent precise estimates that require verification.